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Managing Partner
As Managing Partner, David plays a central role in realizing the firm’s vision: to provide expert and ongoing counsel to organizations navigating a C-suite transition. With 25 years of search experience, David has worked closely with hundreds of boards, search committees and human resource managers, helping them smoothly navigate the search process.
David believes that an effective search consultant will serve an organization best by not just developing the best possible candidate pools but also building consensus and clarity with the board about the competencies necessary for an executive to guide an organization towards its mission.
In addition to his active practice in the disabilities community, David has led searches for such national organizations as the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the American Institute for Economic Research, ShelterBox USA, Autism Speaks, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, United Religions Initiative, Network of Trial Law Firms, IMA World Health, American Youth Soccer Organization, Simon Youth Foundation and more.
Prior to helping organizations manage leadership transitions, David served as a nonprofit executive and board member to arts organizations Artists Space, H.T. Dance Company, and The Center for Modern Dance Education. David is a TAAC Fellowship recipient for Talented Arts Managers and has served as a panelist for the New York State Council for the Arts Dance Partnership Program. He has been an invited speaker at conferences for the Association for Fundraising Professionals, the New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies, the Heyman Center for Philanthropy and Fundraising, and the Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management at Baruch College.
David holds academic degrees in both Economics and Political Science from New York University.
David resides in Connecticut with his wife and two children. When not in the office or with his family, David is committed to sculling in his single rowing shell or paddling his ICF K1 boats.